10:46 PM

Famosos incentivan el amor por la lectura

Actores, cantantes y otras celebridades se sumaron a la campaña de Save the Children y No Kids Hungry, con el fin de recaudar fondos para niños de escasos recursos


Bajo la iniciativa “Save with Stories”, famosos como Amy Adams, Jennifer Garner, Josh Gad, Reese Witherspoon y Natalie Portman se unieron para contarle cuentos infantiles a los niños a través de sus redes sociales.

Estrellas latinas como Camila Sodi y Camila Cabello también se han sumado a esta campaña.

“Si tienen la posibilidad de darle algo a nuestros ciudadanos más vulnerables durante esta crisis, pueden donar una única vez 10 dólares para mantener sus estómagos y mentes llenas”, solicitó Garner en su cuenta.

A través de @savewithstories, las estrellas postearon videos gratuitos leyendo historias infantiles, con la idea de recaudar fondos para Save The Children y No Kids Hungry, informó el diario USA Today.

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Dona ? dona ? dona ? - link en mi BIO- todo se agradece ? @savethechildren_mx ? Ayudemos a los más vulnerables en esta emergencia sanitaria ? #savewithstories

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Hasta ahora, Garner ha leído The Three Little Fish and The Big Bad Shark, de Ken Geist; Adams The Dinosaur Princess, de Aviana Olea Le Gallo; Witherspoon, Uni the Unicorn, de Amy Krouse Rosenthal, y Portman Is Your Mama a Llama?, de Deborah Guarino.

Por su parte, Josh Gad ha subido videos similares a su cuenta de Twitter.

“Como todos estamos encerrados en nuestras casas, pensé que podíamos hacer algo divertido juntos.Trataré de ‘hacerla de niñero’ al menos 10 minutos cada noche y así cuidarlos a ustedes y a sus familias, en lo que avanzamos en este evento global sin precedentes”, señaló el actor en uno de los clips.

Gad ha leído cuentos como Olivia Goes to Venice, The Day the Crayons Quit y The Giving Tree.

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“¿Cómo dicen te quiero los dinosaurios?” by Jane Yolen y Mark Teague (published by @scholasticinc) . THIRTY MILLION CHILDREN rely on school for food. Responding to the needs of kids during school closures, @savethechildren and @nokidhungry have a new fund @SAVEWITHSTORIES to support food banks, and mobile meal trucks, and community feeding programs with funds to do what they do best—and also—with educational toys, books, and worksheets to make sure brains are full, as well as bellies. . If you can manage a one time gift of $10, please text SAVE to 20222. If another amount would work better for you, please visit our website—link in bio. There is no maximum and there is no minimum—together we will rise and together we can help. . Thank you and stay safe. XX #SAVEWITHSTORIES

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THANK YOU to everyone who has given so generously to #SAVEWITHSTORIES and a BIG BIG THANK YOU to @onceuponafarm for donating $50,000 to these efforts, providing approximately 37,500 children with meals and educational support that they would normally receive when school is in session. ♥️ . “Big Red Barn” by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Felicia Bond (published by @harperkids) . THIRTY MILLION CHILDREN rely on school for food. Responding to the needs of kids during these school closures, @savethechildren and @nokidhungry have a new fund @SAVEWITHSTORIES to support food banks, and mobile meal trucks, and community feeding programs with funds to do what they do best—and also—with educational toys, books, and worksheets to make sure brains are full, as well as bellies. . If you can manage a one time gift of $10, please text SAVE to 20222. If another amount would work better for you, please visit our website—link in bio. There is no maximum and there is no minimum—together we will rise and together we can help. . Thank you and stay safe. XX #SAVEWITHSTORIES

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